By booking with Galapagos a la Carte you are also contributing to community development efforts. We are dedicated to giving back to our local community and are actively involved in supporting and helping fund our local library. Last year, this amazing project "Biblioteca para Galápagos y el Mundo" was started thanks to a hard working group of naturalist guides that run AGIPA (Asociación de Guías interpretes del Parque Nacional Galápagos) the naturalist guide association, the organization allocates donation funds received directly to the local library. Education is an integral part of developing sustainable communities that care about the natural resources and welfare of it's inhabitants.
A small donation to a Library for the Galapagos and the World!
Bring Books
Consider bringing a book, two or ten on your next trip to the Galapagos.
More Information
Read more about this amazing project.
Learn More